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Kuracell E


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Kuracell E
Kuhra 7.0.4
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Lipodistrofk E

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Immediate biological action at point of application.
Swift therapeutic effect: noticeable effects from the first week on. Consolidation after 30 days of treatment.
Convenient application: once a day, at night, just before bedtime.
Hypoallergenic. Can be used for prolonged periods of time.
Indications: For the treatment of aging, wrinkled, withered skin.
For maintaining the skin’s natural tone and freshness.
Cellular Renovator: provokes and accelerates fibroblastic mitosis.

The corneous layer of our skin is hundredths of a millimeter thick. It is very sophisticated and protects us against the environment, sending messages to our body. The skin can be considered a wall made of bricks (cells) and cement (lipids). Our skin works hard to build that wall: new cells are born approximately every 28 days, and multiply within the basal layer, growing as they go toward the surface where they finally die to keratinization, arranged in fifteen or twenty rows naturally detaching from our body. Our epidermis works during the day, defending itself and closing ranks against a hostile environment attacking, eroding and diminishing its responses and making us look older. During the night, our skin is released of this hard work and focuses on its renovating task. Around 6 in the morning, our skin gets to its highest level of cellular multiplying action. At the hypodermis level, connective tissues and fat cells tend to decrease. Gravity is a natural enemy to our epidermis. As our skin gets thinner and less elastic, its holding role for the fat tissues can no longer be perfectly played. A young skin is an example of a perfect combination of dermis and epidermis. However, time affects that cohesion and ideal relationship. As time passes, essential interchanges between them become harder to achieve.

Photo-aging effects become apparent in the short term. You can notice them –dehydration, withering, marks and expression lines produced by ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet radiation will go further altering the holding fibers and the effects in the long term are density and strength loss. However, scientific research on skin treatments and Dermatology made possible for Scientists at Kuhra Vital to formulate a new alternative for topic administration: We are proud to present a new Kuracell, formulated as a powerful tool against those factors permanently attacking our skin. Could Kuhra Vital provide you with a new living component (fresh vegetal cells) for the elimination of multiple skin complaints?

The answer is yes. Multiple studies were necessary before achieving the desired results: a whole new biological concept for cleansing and preserving your skin. Kuracell, the new alternative for all of you who decided to have a younger face bursting with freshness, tone, light and strength. We are not substituting an older product with a newer one. Kuracell is a successful product now enhanced with a new treatment, Kuracell, designed for initiating a regenerative, curative effect from vegetal cells.

Each vial (dropper included) contains 15 ml of cellular suspensions produced by a gentle extraction process, the top achievement of a search performed into the vegetal cells of multiple origin and nutrients. All of the vitamins and oligoelements were preserved, and worked extremely carefully for 100% integrity and activity.
The one thing you need to do is taking that cell and magically bring it into your skin. What are you waiting for? Enjoy this phyto-cellular compound made of 7 kinds of vegetal cellular extracts! Next we describe these extracts and you will find out how powerful and effective Kuracell is:

Extracs from carrot, cucumber and peach,, Vitamin A and oligoelements with highly beneficial effects upon your skin. Since our  Vitamin A is not chemically or pharmaceutically processed, a doubled effect is achieved –an increase of the enzyme activity and the stimulation of cellular division (which means skin regeneration). The result is increased elasticity and a younger, smoother and soft-looking skin.

Vitamin A will normalize skin keratinization (cellular renovation) while preventing dryness. This vitamin is particularly effective for treating conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. Vitamin A also improves collagen-making process and makes your skin firmer.
Most important benefits

1 Anti-keratinization action.
2 Increases skin elasticity.
3 Supports the thickening process at dermis and epidermis level
4 Normalizes dry and dehydrated skin
5 Repairs the skin after light-caused damages
6 Plays a central role in developing and preserving tissues and reducing expression lines.
7 Stimulates cellular division, making skin regeneration and cicatrization easier.
8 Extremely effective anti-oxidant and immune system booster.
9 Smoothes the skin out and prevents dryness.

Thoroughly clean your face and neck before using Kuracell. Administer two drops as many times as required for covering these areas. Generally speaking (8) drops should be enough.

Give a soft massage until completely absorbed. Apply before going to bed.

What are you waiting for? Enjoy this phyto compound made of 7 kinds of vegetal extracts!

Each vial (dropper included) contains 15 ml of a suspensions produced by a gentle extraction process, the top achievement of a search performed into the vegetal of multiple origin such carrots, cucumber, peach,  and nutrients. All of the vitamins and oligoelements were preserved, and worked extremely carefully for 100% integrity and activity.
Kuracell is offered in a box containing one (1) 15-ml dropper vial, designed against temperature variations. Each container of Kuracell is manufactured under sterile atmosphere with strict quality controls. All required clinical and safety tests were performed.

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