Immediate biological activity in the muscle. Reaffirms and
hardens muscles wherever Moskul is applied.
Easy to apply: for notable results, apply every other day for one month.
Easy to use: non-greasy, rapid absorption, odorless, no stains on clothes, for
both sexes.
Completely harmless: no allergy test required. Does not contain hormones. Can be
used for prolonged periods of time.
Combats loss of muscular firmness and rigidity. Stimulates regeneration and
oxygenation of the muscle fiber.
Indications: hardens muscles and increases size. Attacks muscular flaccidity.
Controls and balances the strengthening of muscles. Treats strains or any kind
of muscular pain.
Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers that work in a very simple way. They
make two kinds of movements - contraction and relaxation. We have two (2) sets
of muscles associated to a number of bones, which makes us able to move. So far
we know 630 active muscles, acting as part of a group and properly co-related.
When our movements become less active and frequent, some kind of distrophy and
loss of muscular mass begins to appear, because of a number of reasons as years
go by. Sedentary people are prone to suffer from muscular distrophy and loss of
muscle firmness and mass. Life-style, diet and lack of exercise are causing
muscle loss to become common, especially in body areas such arms (biceps) thigh
(crotch), gluteus and back muscles. To treat this problem, Dermabiol Institute
of Kuhra Vital, where ongoing research and multiple tests, protocols and
clinical tests are made, created Moskul. This is a product to fight the loss of
firmness and mass of muscles and, at the same time, to activate blood
circulation and stimulate muscle regeneration and oxygenation.
Apply continously with an energetic massage and see how Moskul increases and
strengthens your muscles. Moskul is specially designed for gluteus, upper arm
and thighs. People who exercise and weight-lift will be the first ones noticing
how firmer and tougher the muscle tissue becomes. Administer where volume and
strenght are needed. Work with an energetic massage (unless you are going to
exercise, just wait until a complete absorption of the product).
Its recommend using Moskul every other day for 1 month and see the results.
Presentation and packing
Moskul comes in 1 bottle with 125 ml. each. This product is packed in an
expanded polystyrene box that protects the contents against temperature